Shall plan for another ronggeng with them soon. Anak- anak pun rindu nak ronggeng with their best friends.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Ronggeng with best friends
Shall plan for another ronggeng with them soon. Anak- anak pun rindu nak ronggeng with their best friends.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Geng geng ronggeng

An who enjoyed the most during any ronggeng? These lovely kids. Seing them laughing, shouting, crying and running around really make your day. In a simple word. "Pening". Tapi ronggeng without kids macam makan tak minum air. Tercekik. So we have to have them around to create some havoc and multi feelings. Geram, gembira, sedih,penat and macam macam lagi.
So when is our next plan for ronggeng? Ahli2 tak sabar nak registerkan diri. Sape ahli2nya...look at these pictures. Ahli ahli ronggeng yang happening giler...and Biler ronggeng...agenda lagi...gelak gelak....pastu makan lagi.
Makan and ronggeng...they are tango together. Ok...boleh start gear 1 and plan for the next ronggeng. If you plan PD again...fine with me...if we are going to the bungalow again. Naik Vios...maybe?